Obama Spiritual Guide: 57% Of Americans Are Racists

The 57% or so of Americans who oppose Obamacare oppose it because they are racists.

Maybe Jeremiah Wright consulted with Trinity United Church of Christ Man Of The Year for 2007 Louis Farrakhan before coming to this conclusion.

Next, we’ll hear that Louis Farrakhan is the newest recess appointment of The Obama Administration to promote Obamacare.

Obama, Wright, Farrakhan, Frank Marshall Davis could NEVER be racists. They don’t, or wouldn’t oppose Obamacare.

It’s the nasty Americans, a majority of Americans, who oppose Obamacare.

It’s absolutely no wonder Mrs. Obama was never proud of America a day in her life.

More here: Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Health Care Law Opposition Based on Hatred for ‘People of Color’

Obama Denial of Health Care System Working Well in UK

Obama has already stated expensive health care is not for everyone. Obama is wise enough to choose who gets a pill instead of life-saving surgery.

How will Obama decide who?

He will do it like they do it in the UK.

Government interference in medicine destroys it. And destroys the true God-given rights of humans.

Every person has the right to health care? NO. Not in the NHS, and not in Obamacare. Obama has the right to DECIDE who gets health care, though.

Even government cannot afford health care for everyone. No; ESPECIALLY government cannot afford health care for everyone. In fact, ONLY government cannot afford health care for everyone. ANYBODY ELSE besides government would be SUED INTO OBLIVION for practicing medicine as Obama plans to do it; as horribly illustrated in reality below.

No; you cannot sue your Obama-compliant physician – and if you complain about the miracle of Obamacare Henry Waxman will call you before congress with all your private records.

Obamacare is an insult to medicine, an insult to Hippocrates, an insult to Americans – just plain an insult.

After all, Max Baucus and Howard Dean have already assured us Obamacare is all about wealth redistribution; not health care for everyone.

Check it out below: “Some patients may not even be told that an operation could help their problem.” Where does “first do no harm” fit in Obamacare?

Basic surgery denied by NHS trusts to cut costs, say surgeons

Basic surgical procedures that could improve the lives of thousands of people are being withheld by NHS trusts desperate to save money, according to some of the country’s leading doctors.

In a letter in today’s Guardian, the presidents of associations representing six of the biggest surgical disciplines claim “patients attend their GP surgeries with conditions that can be effectively treated by surgery and are being turned away”.

Some of the patients may not even be told that an operation could help their problem, the surgeons say. Even when the sick are referred to a hospital consultant they can be refused operations because trusts have “arbitrarily defined a number of operations that reduce pain, improve quality of life and prevent serious long-term complications as being of ‘limited clinical value'”.


Obamacare Destroys 10 Million Jobs

10 million jobs, this year. Next year will be more. AT&T alone has written of $1 BILLIOIN in assets. For starters only, Caterpillar (Obama’s pal Jim) has written of $100 MILLION – that’s for starters. Maybe it’s really $100 million PER QUARTER at Caterpillar.

Obama said in January that he was focused on creating jobs for Americans.

Obama is focused on creating jobs for unemployment clerks and tax collectors in Washington, D.C.

American corporations, large and small, are DOWNSIZING (writing off assets) TODAY to pay Obama for future medical services. (For “progressives” who may be reading: You should enact a law REQUIRING corporations to hire more Americans diverse workers. Then you could get unemployment up to 50%, like in Detroit, your model economy).

There is only one small problem: there will be extremely limited medical services available in these United States, similar to Canada, following Obama’s actual efforts in the first quarter of 2010.

It doesn’t matter how bad the medical services are. There is no mechanism (free market capitalism made American health care the finest in the world) except Obama’s death panels engaged to improve medical care any longer in the United States. Obama will collect the cash anyway, though.

Obama has destroyed utterly the finest health care system in the world; and he wants you to pay him for doing so. Obama thinks government revenue will grow even while unemployment increases. Obama’s plan is based upon this concept.

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — AT&T on Friday said it will record a $1 billion non-cash expense in the first quarter related to the newly passed health-care law, joining a growing list of large U.S. companies.

The AT&T /quotes/comstock/13*!t/quotes/nls/t (T 26.24, +0.09, +0.34%) write-down is the largest reported so far. Caterpillar /quotes/comstock/13*!cat/quotes/nls/cat (CAT 62.44, +0.30, +0.48%) this week recorded a $100 million charge in the first quarter and Deere & Co. /quotes/comstock/13*!de/quotes/nls/de (DE 60.56, +0.36, +0.60%) said it will report a one-time $150 million expense. See previous story on industries that say warn health reform will cost them.

Among its many changes, the new health-care law eliminated a tax deduction that companies used to cut the cost of drug-benefit programs for retired workers. President Obama signed the massive health-care overhaul into law earlier this week in a big victory for ruling Democrats.

Yet companies that still offer retiree drug benefits, mostly older industrial concerns or those with unionized employees, say the end of the deduction could force them to alter their benefit plans. In other words, they might curtail or even cancel them.

“As a result of this legislation, including the additional tax burden, AT&T will be evaluating prospective changes to the active and retiree health care benefits offered by the company,” AT&T said in a filing with the government on Friday.

Obamacare Receives Crucial Endorsement

The Obama presidency has finally achieved the decisive and rich international accolades it has been so desperatly seeking to plush up its memoirs.

Americans don’t like Obamacare very much; but more important and more significant commentator (not plural) like it a lot, indeed.

The highest and most experienced existing authority on state-run health care, and Obama’s personal mentor, Fidel Castro, has opened the flood-gates for what will without doubt soon be a raging torrent of international acclaim for Obamacare; no matter what mere Americans might say. Possibly, al-Qaeda and Jeremiah Wright will join the throng of endorsers, Obama hopes.

Obama’s comrade Fidel: Obamacare is “a miracle.” Castro has long sought the destruction of the United States; as has his devoted pupil Obama.

American health care will within a few short years closely resemble health care in Cuba. Or in Canada. Or in the UK. No wonder Fidel and his pet Obama are overjoyed.

America will closely resemble Cuba, too. Obama’s “Post America” is your reward for an industrious, productive, career.

Key Obamacare supporters are re-envigorated

Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform “a miracle” and a major victory for Obama’s presidency

Obama Taxes Non-Black Americans

Obama has eloquently expressed his disdain and fear of non-black persons in his most erudite memoirs.

His grandmother was a racist, ergo typical white person. No wonder Obama is angry.

Do you need a tan, now and then, to feel yourself at your tip-top?

You will pay Obama, starting NOW, if you want to take advantage of darker skin. So Obama can get even with his pearlescent, typical white granny.

How many jobs will be lost in the tanning industry? I guess blacks don’t work there.

See Obama No-Show At Typical White Person’s Memorial

Obama with typical white persons

Typical white persons can pay now

Health-Care Overhaul Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year

March 23 (Bloomberg) — Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning today in just one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama.

Insurers will be required by September to begin providing health coverage to kids with pre-existing illnesses and allow parents to keep children younger than 26 on their plans as the clock has begun ticking on many of the law’s provisions. Medicare recipients will receive a $250 rebate for prescription drugs when they reach a coverage gap called the donut hole if the Senate passes and the president signs companion legislation approved March 21 by the U.S. House.

The $940 billion overhaul subsidizes coverage for uninsured Americans, financed by Medicare cuts to hospitals and fees or taxes on insurers, drugmakers, medical-device companies and Americans earning more than $200,000 a year. Many of the changes in the bill of more than 2,400 pages, such as requiring most people to have health insurance and employers to provide coverage, will take at least two years to go into effect.

Experts Agree: Obama Is Exactly Socialist

Stupid RINOs are probably still praying that Obama will expel a whiff of centrism from his arse, sweet enough that they can get their lips around it.

Even arseholes know that Obama is a socialist. Here testifies the expert of arseholes, the very Reverend Al Sharpton.

I cannot wait until the next Stupid RINO questions Lord Obama’s socialist credentials.

Hey, RINOs, if Reverend Al spews it out, you should believe it. You always have before.

You Pay for Anchor Babies

Who says illegal aliens aren’t insured?

300,000 anchor babies are born every year; and for most of them, the illegal alien pays nada; not a penny for even a $4700 Caesarean.

Talk about a pre-existing condition; but it’s no problem for the illegal aliens because of Cobra/EMTALA et al.

If Obamacare is enacted, you will still pay for the anchor baby; but probably also for a lot more of them.

H/T: Anchor Babies Aweigh Moonbattery

Culture of Corruption – Post-Industrial Grade

As “democrats” destroy industry after industry in the United States, it is not surprising to hear them brag about their audacity.

The real “culture of corruption” is now at our necks (presuming “Obamacare” is “enacted”), not just at our pocket books.

The American government is now running wild, comfortably beyond control of the Constitution. America is now the victim, or SUBJECT, of its government, which was specifically to be prevented by the US Constitution, now apparently defunct. Formerly, government served America.

Democrats, the majority party, make up the rules to fit the circumstances; and then brag about it.

Impeached, ergo incompetent judges, MAKE UP THE RULES AS THEY GO.

Industrial strength corruption now dominates American government. No; it’s post-industrial strength corruption.

The failure of democracy is anarchy. That’s why we had a constitutional republic. HAD.

What we have now is complete, perfect, corruption in government. Anarchy and fascism follow, based upon history.

H/T: Gateway Pundit Top Democrat: “All This Talk About Rules… We Make Them Up as We Go Along” (Video)

Call Congress numbers: Obamacare will make medicine useless in the United States

H/T: Gateway Pundit Obama’s Cousin Dr. Milton Wolf Will Speak Today At Anti-Obamacare Code Red Rally

(Dr. Milton Wolf video is below the fold – Obamacare is a “blight”).

Lifted from the blog The Wolf Files (Post of Friday, March 19):

Proprietor at The Wolf Files is Dr. Milton Wolf who is Obama’s second cousin.

Dr. Milton Wolf, like the vast majority of American doctors, opposes Obamacare and government run medicine.

Dr. Milton Wolf, Obama’s cousin, opposes Obamacare quite strongly.

In my experience, these phone lines are busy. The reason is obvious. The constituents of these congresspersons also strongly oppose Obamacare.

But I plan to keep calling all day today and tomorrow until . . .

If you don’t want to see the finest health care system in the world rendered useless by an arrogant 3-year old (Obama) and his leftist cohort, then you should call too.

“Yes” on Obamacare Last Time but Might Want to Switch:

Gabrielle Giffords, (D., Ariz.)—202-225-2542
Ann Kirkpatrick, (D., Ariz.)—202-225-2315
Harry Mitchell, (D., Ariz.)—202-225-2190
Vic Snyder, (D., Ariz.) (S)—202-225-2506
Marion Berry, (D., Ark.) (S)—202-225-4076
John Salazar, (D., Colo.) (S)—202-225-4761
Melissa Bean, (D., Ill.) —202-225-3711
Bill Foster, (D., Ill.) —202-225-2976
Joe Donnelly, (D., Ind.) (S) —202-225-3915
Brad Ellsworth, (D., Ind.) (S) —202-225-4636
Baron Hill, (D., Ind.) (S) —202-225-5315
Bart Stupak, (D., Mich.) (S) —202-225-4735
Michael Arcuri, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-3665
Tim Bishop, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-3826
Bob Etheridge, (D., N.C.) (S) —202-225-4531
Earl Pomeroy, (D., N.D.) (S) —202-225-2611
Steve Driehaus, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-2216
Zach Space, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-6265
Charlie Wilson, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-5705
Chris Carney, (D., Pa.) (S) —202-225-3731
Kathleen Dahlkemper, (D., Pa.) (S) —202-225-5406
John Spratt, (D., S.C.) (S) —202-225-5501
Ciro Rodriguez, (D., Texas) (S) —202-225-4511
Solomon Ortiz, (D., Texas) (S) —202-225-7742
Tom Perriello, (D., Va.) (S) —202-225-4711
Alan Mollohan, (D., W.Va.) (S) —202-225-4172
Nick Rahall, (D., W.Va.) (S) —202-225-3452

“No” on Obamacare Last Time But Might Need Encouragement:

Mike Ross, (D., Ark.) (S) —202-225-3772
Betsy Markey, (D., Colo.) —202-225-4676
Allen Boyd, (D., Fla.) —202-225-5235
Suzanne Kosmas, (D., Fla.) —202-225-2706
John Barrow, (D., Ga.) (S) —202-225-2823
John Adler, (D., N.J.) —202-225-4765
Michael McMahon, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-3371
Scott Murphy, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-5614
Larry Kissell, (D., N.C.) —202-225-3715
John Boccieri, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-3876
John Tanner, (D., Tenn.) (S) —202-225-4714
Glenn Nye, (D., Va.) —202-225-4215
Brian Baird, (D., Wash.) —202-225-3536

Above The Law – Leader Obama

Leader Obama is ABOVE the laws of America.

According to Leader Obama.

What do you say?