Obama Ramps Up Genocide Against Americans

Obama’s rules of engagement for Americans in Afghanistan: don’t shoot!

What does Obama hate most in the world? American VICTORY.

There can be little surprise that American casualties are now soaring, in Afghanistan, Obama’s war.

Obama will send thousands more of America’s sons and daughters into Afghanistan, with strict orders NOT TO FIGHT, and not to make a victory there.

Obama cannot function as a commander-in-chief of American forces, as was well anticipated in the United States Constitution, because Obama is something other than American.

What we have from Obama is NOTHING to prove that he is more American than terrorist; and since Obama openly eschews American victory, there can be little doubt where his sympathies really lie.

Obama wants to kill Americans freely in Afghanistan, and blame the deaths on his predecessor.


Obama’s New Airline Czar

To help with important decisions like when to release Arab mass-murderers from excessive prison sentences of over 24 hours, Obama has announced his new Airline Czar appointment:

New Obama Airline Czar

New Obama Airline Czar

Obama needs a kiss-butt supporting staff as he plans to approve release of a WHOLE BUNCH of his brother Arab terrorists (starting soon at Gitmo) like this gentle fellow Megrahi:

How many Americans did Megrahi kill? He was just doing Obama a personal favor, apparently.

H/T: Investigating Obama Pundits Agree: America (at least Obama) Knew About Lockerbie Bomber’s Release Beforehand

The only problem is, who could POSSIBLY believe Obama is an American?

Failed System, or Failed President?

Failed system, or failed president?

Failed system, or failed president?

In Obama’s bygone glory days, days now rapidly receeding into the insatiable sewer called socialist history, Obama loved to describe America’s economic system as a failure, and America’s constitution as a substantially flawed document.

Obama has about 15 minutes before his Journalist pals get a clue as to who really is failing. The kindest fate Obama can hope for, after that, is a quiet funeral with just a few close friends like Reverends Wright, Pfleger, and the stalwart Ayers family; and maybe a job on the peanut farm ’til it’s time.

He’d be lucky, in that case. You see, Obama has never had a real job. It is doubtful Jimmy Carter would hire him, for a host of other reasons too, which reasons I will leave to your imagination.

Now here is a failure.

Obama Totally Sucks Factor Exploding

Obama popularity thins out fast

Obama popularity thins out fast

From 14% a few months ago, now 42% of voters think Obama totally sucks . . .

A few die-hard users still fly Air Obama, however . . . hang on for a rough landing.

Nightmare Trip nearly over

Nightmare Trip nearly over

Obama’s Clunker

Probably 1 or 2 million GM 454 cubic inch engines transport food and goods around the country and around the world. Possibly Obama has a better idea than transportation (it might rhyme with death, though; and he approves of that generally; Obama is on a mission from God). If anybody can comment on the number of these engines manufactured and still running, which engines are hated by Obama, please do.

I have one such engine. For 15 years, I have maintained this masterpiece of an engine with SYNTHETIC OIL changes for its crankcase. And the engine has maintained me. I have no doubt the engine will operate brilliantly and perfectly for another 125,000 miles.

Here is the Obama LAW: we will take this perfectly designed, constructed, and maintained engine, the masterpiece servant of man, pour saltwater with silica into the crankcase, and rev the engine until it seizes.

This is what Obama will do to transportation; this is what Obama will do to your food supply; this is what Obama will soon do to you. Obama’s purpose is higher than yours. Waste an engine; waste a life; waste anything he wants. Obama is, himself the antithesis of invention; he is also the antithesis of hope.

My engine is NOT Obama’s clunker; nor will it ever be. Nor, will we EVER be Obama’s clunker.

(OK, sorry; had to get one more in there).

Meta-Post 1

Honorable Hitters,

I must absent myself from the posting deck here at Porcupine Rim, and venture out to research economic success where it really happens. You are correct; I will be visiting Obama’s superior home nation of Kenya (don’t be so jealous, OK?), which is a far superior economy because it has been under healthy, centralized bureaucratic control instead of control by greedy capitalists and free markets for many years. I will learn how quickly and intensly the human spirit blossoms under centralized bureaucratic control; in stark contrast to the utterly devastating effects of free markets, liberty, and all that nonesense rot of the ridiculous United States Constitution, which Obama knows is like totally BOGUS. No wonder Kenya is such a leader in (sentence in trouble here).

Of course, I will also be visiting that paragon of centralized bureaucratic control, Obama’s ideal civilization, the immortal and brilliant, festive, and wonderful Soviet Union, where the human spirit continues to blossom; all thanks to the removal of free markets, rights and liberties. Yes; you are not mistaken; I actually have received an invitation which will permit me to CROSS THE IRON CURTAIN (which of course was designed to keep the capitalist rif-raf OUT) into that nirvana, the envy of all Obamasites, the Soviet Union. Probably, I will decide to stay in that centralized, controlled, socialist Utopia there since it is so successful. One wonders why Obama himself didn’t go there, however.

I will also be visiting Canada to grab an excellent life-saving operation quickly there, since health care here in the United States is in such a catastrophic crisis starting around January 19th.

If Obama is still president, I will resume posting in only 8 days.

With “Bungles” Obama running the country, all you can have is hope.

Obama Spending Orgy Will EXPLODE Deficit by $2 TRILLION (more)

Obama LIKES Carter’s concept of a quick-hit-and-run presidency!

$2 TRILLION is $6000 per every American, and Obama will BLOW IT ALL and a lot more, he swears. After that, we con’t do anything to fix it, opines Obama (and his press orifice, Gibbs).

Obama hopes that by targeting a quick hit, one-term presidential encumbency (see video below), he can destroy the dollar, capitalism, white people, large internal combustion motors, America, and human life as we know it; while big journalism cheers him on. He would also like to destroy the Sun which is warming Earth unduly.

He is optimistic about the one-term presidency part, based on the rate of decline in his poll numbers; but any other raging racist who claimed he was “God’s partners, on matters of life and death” would already have been drawn and quartered.

Obama to raise 10-year deficit to $9 trillion

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration will raise its 10-year budget deficit projection to approximately $9 trillion from $7.108 trillion in a report next week, a senior administration official told Reuters on Friday.

The higher deficit figure, based on updated economic data, brings the White House budget office into line with outside estimates and gives further fuel to President Barack Obama’s opponents, who say his spending plans are too expensive in light of budget shortfalls.

The White House took heat for sticking with its $7.108 trillion forecast earlier this year after the Congressional Budget Office forecast that deficits between 2010 and 2019 would total $9.1 trillion

Gibbs: Obama Will Follow Nuclear Engineer Jimmy Carter’s lead (H/T – Gateway Pundit):

The Inventor of Astroturf was . . .

Community organizers don’t have jobs, but they do create some sort of image or perception . . . apparently they make signs.

Say, your president was a professional ACORN community organizer. Now, he is “God’s Partners, in matters of life and death.” Now, that is some kind of organizing.

The fruitloops need a new sign, “God’s Partners, in matters of life and death.”

ROFLMAO; if I was not an American.

Obama sez He is “God’s partners, in matters of life, and death”

Perhaps you will be pleased to know that your President Obama says He is “God’s Partners, in matters of life and death.”

We knew by virtue of his longstanding associations, and from his own mouth that Obama was “Partners” with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn; Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pflegger; Edward Said and Rashid Kahlidi.

We knew that Obama was “Partners” with attorney Thomas Perrelli, who represented wife killer Michael Schiavo pro bono. (H/T: The Astute Bloggers, More proof that Obama loves death)

We even knew that Obama’s co-inhabitants of Chicago, The Blues Brothers, were on a “mission from God.” Maybe that’s where Obama got the idea.

But we did not appreciate adequately that Obama was “Partners” with God, in matters of life and death.

Every day, the precise nature of Obama becomes a little more clear. Government considers itself “Partners” with God, in matters of life and death.

We are beginning to understand why the genuine article Obama should be “The One” who determines who gets health care, and who does not; since we all cannot enjoy the benefit from health care – there are not enough doctors available to give us all health care we pay for; let alone health care we do not.

It is quite remarkable that the President of The United States now considers himself the master of life and death; and advertises a union with God in that regard. Such conditions arise frequently in Arab East-Africa, and perhaps in other Arab or Islamic states, but this is the first time ever – in the United States.

Obama’s Prospective Euthanasia Victims Fleeing AARP

And wisely so, I think.

Any retiree with liquid assets should consider further retirement, safely out of range of Obama’s direct debit high-speed electronic access to bank accounts of Americans (access not extended to bank accounts of ACORN members, union members, and government politicians and bureaucrats, of course).

Maybe Obamacare is AARP’s Waterloo, too! Good.

AARP Loses Members over Healthcare Stance
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:09 AM

By: Dave Eberhart

About 60,000 senior citizens have quit AARP since July 1 because of the group’s aggressive support for a healthcare overhaul, according to a report at Townhall.com.

AARP, the nation’s most powerful seniors’ association, launched a multimillion-dollar campaign on Aug. 10 aimed at dispelling myths surrounding the healthcare debate, according to NationalJournal.com. Founded in 1958, AARP has 40 million members and offices in all 50 states.

AARP’s “myths-vs.-fact” advertising is off and running on national and local television and radio, in print publications, and online. The organization wants to dispel thinking that healthcare reform is not affordable to fix in these distressed times, will mean the virtual end of Medicare, and will lead to a government takeover, as well as an unattractive rationing of services.

The campaign is hardly a new one for AARP. For the first half of 2009, AARP spent millions on federal lobbying on the issue

Major Mistake, by AARP.