Obama Approval – O’Bottom Fails Again

The O'Bottom Fails Again

The O'Bottom Fails Again

The O’Bottom relentlessly rips and tears its way towards the infernal regions. Obama was going to be focused like a laser on creating jobs. But, thinks Obama, when there are no jobs, America will have a crisis. America without jobs is GOOD. And Obama loves crises. Obama is the master of crisis. So Obama focuses like a laser on railroading nationalized health care that AMERICANS ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT.

Job approval means nothing to Obama. He is IMMUNE to public opinion. He is Obama on a mission. Obama is on a mission to the bottom.

The Obama approval chart is monotonous; and miserably close to monotonic.

As Obama approval falls, his ability to strongarm Democrats into line on any vote dissipates. Obama’s childish insistence of nationalizing health care above getting jobs for Americans will defeat him. Obama will defeat himself.

2 Responses

  1. If they pass the health care deform, the additional costs to businesses and individuals will cause more jobs to evaporate. I’m sure that will help his approval numbers out, won’t it?

  2. There’s nothing worse than a president in the White House who cares nothing for the United States or it’s people. It’s doubtful that America can take much more of this…

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